Hi there!
I’m Priyanka, creator and author of One Loving Mama. I was working as a content writer back in 2012 when my husband and I realized it was time to grow our family. We were blessed with our baby girl in 2013. Ever since I have cherished and enjoyed every bit of being a stay-at-home mom to look after my little girl and be there for her 24×7. Kia is 10 years old now. She is full of energy and surprises me in every possible way! As she has grown up a little, I have some time in my hands to do what I have always wanted, and that is, working on my dream of creating a blog.
Through this blog, I will share with you my life as a mom, my experiences, my struggles, my learnings, and all the fun I have being a mommy! I will also be blogging about parenting, lifestyle, traveling with kids, mom and kids health, children’s activities, and several other topics no matter how big or small because for us as parents, it all matters! I will be glad if my posts help you in any way!
As an author, I love writing all kinds of blog posts but I am a bit inclined towards health and wellness topics because that’s where I can utilize some of the knowledge I gathered during my Bachelor’s in Pharmacy and MBA in Pharmaceutical Management (Yes!, that’s what I did for 6 years before getting married!).
Besides writing useful content for my readers, I enjoy my hot cup of tea every morning. I am also a nature lover and a music lover. As a family, we love traveling, going on road trips, playing board games, watching various shows, and simply enjoying life as it comes.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for stopping by. Please subscribe to my blog to get notified when I publish a new blog post.
Thank you once again!
I hope you enjoy reading One Loving Mama!
Take care!