7 Reasons Why I Started Blogging

1. Blogging has been on my mind for quite some time.
I was always interested in the idea of starting a blog, but I wasn’t motivated enough to dive into it. It was because I was busy with other things in life, like earlier my full-time job as a content writer and then my full-time job as a mommy. But now, I can take some time out for myself from my daily routine, and that is a strong enough reason to motivate me to get started with blogging.
2. I love to write.
My love for writing started years ago when I was a kid. I would keep a journal to document my daily life. Penning my thoughts on a piece of paper was easier than speaking out. Writing my thoughts, ideas, or whatever comes to my mind, gives me clarity and helps me rationalize my thoughts. Although the way we write has changed over the years, from pen and paper to keyboard and a word document, the pleasure of writing is still the same.
3. We are back in India.
One thing that kept me from starting my blogging journey was the fact that I was on a dependent visa during our six years of stay in the USA. Visa restrictions didn’t allow me to work and have a source of income. As I would have eventually thought of monetizing my blog at some point in time, I knew that would not be legal. Hence, I never started. But now, being back in my home country gives me the freedom to work and pursue whatever I like without any restrictions, and that is precious!
4. To document my mom-life.
Leading a mom’s life is very special yet challenging. I could not keep a diary of all the things I would have loved to because I was too busy looking after my little girl. Now I realize how fast kids grow up when I see my little girl doing things for which she once needed my help. That’s why I want to capture and document the little yet, special moments I am spending with my daughter and keep these memories forever.
5. Help fellow moms (and dads too!).
Raising kids is not an easy task, and parenting is a skill you learn once you become a parent. No matter how many parenting books you read, there will still be times when you will feel completely lost and look for help. I have been in such situations too, and have looked out for answers from fellow parents. Mom blogs have been a great resource during such times and made me feel I am not alone in this journey. So I decided to join the clan and became a part of this online community so that I could also be of some help to fellow parents.
6. Stay connected with my profession while staying at home.
Before becoming a mom, I was a full-time content writer. So I spent my days writing articles on various niche topics. Blogging allows me to continue to be a part of my work field. It provides me a platform to showcase my creativity and share what I know with my audience. It also helps me improve my writing skills, which will eventually make me a better writer.
7. To support my family by creating an extra source of income.
For six long years, I have utilized all my energies to look after my kid and my home. I always wanted to work and add to my household income but couldn’t find something appropriate for my situation. A successful blog can help me generate extra income for my family while working from home. I have a long way to go before that happens, but I will keep working to achieve my goal!
Are you interested in starting a blog? What are your reasons for getting into the blogging world? Let me know!
Suranjit Kosta
That’s an awesome way to get into something you love doing…Get it documented.
Priyanka Kosta Sonkushre
Thank you so much!