Healthy Habits to Teach Your Kids for a Healthy Lifestyle

Your job as a parent is to bring kids into this world, raise them well, and prepare them for life. By incorporating healthy habits into your lifestyle, you not only lead by example but instill them in your kid’s lives right from the beginning. It then becomes like second nature. Kids don’t have to struggle to pick up those habits later in life.
So, what good habits should a child learn? I am sure you must be practicing some of these with your kids at home. Still, here’s a reminder of some healthy habits to teach your kids for a healthy life.
Healthy Habits for Kids
Personal Hygiene
- Brushing teeth twice a day.
- Having a bath regularly and shampooing hair at least once every week.
- Changing into fresh clothes every day.
- Washing hands immediately after coming home from outside, after using the toilet, or whenever they feel dirty.
- Using a hand sanitizer when hand washing is not possible.
- Using a tissue or elbow to cover coughs and sneezes.
- Keeping hair neat and tidy by brushing/ combing every day.
- Trimming fingernails and toenails once every week.
Mental Health
- Sleeping for at least 9 – 12 hours at night to help improve mental health and well-being.
- Engaging in a relaxing activity like reading a favorite book, practicing a hobby, or simply playing quietly without distractions.
- Thinking positively.
- Speaking their minds out in front of parents to deal with things bothering them and let their emotions out.
- Playing independently to encourage creativity.
- Sharing and helping others to feel good about themselves.
Physical Health
- Exercising regularly for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Playing outdoors to enjoy the sun and fresh air.
- Indulging in a sport to keep that body moving.
Eating Habits
- Washing hands before and after a meal.
- Eating healthy breakfast every day.
- Drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
- Enjoying home-cooked meals more than outside food.
- Refraining from overeating.
- Eating meals together as a family.
- Keeping television or mobiles away when eating.
- Choosing nutritious options when eating out.
Study Habits
- Following a study routine.
- Keeping distractions away when learning.
- Managing time wisely.
- Practicing independent learning and asking for help when needed.
- Trying out different ways to make learning fun.
Social Habits
- Using appropriate manners and etiquette when around people.
- Identifying the emotions of others and responding appropriately.
- Discouraging or not participating in bullying other kids.
- Involving all kids while playing so that no one feels left out.
- Cleaning up space after playing is done.
Developing healthy habits doesn’t happen overnight. It takes numerous reminders and a lot of positive reinforcement to inculcate them in your kid’s life. You just need to be consistent in your approach. These good habits will stay with your kids and lead them towards a healthy lifestyle.
While you are doing all of that for your kids, don’t forget to take care of yourself too, Mama! Here are some self-care tips for moms to keep you going!